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Clinical Research Training Programs

ClinOpsHub responds promptly to the training needs required in clinical research. 

University students who undertake training in scientific subjects are rarely exposed to the multitude of future career opportunities that Clinical Research offers.

A clear educational path that meets the needs of the market hasn't been layed out. In this regard, ClinOpsHub aims to offer training courses in order to give university students the opportunity to become clinical research professionals. At the same time, the courses organized by the company allows professionals already working in this field to be fully compliant with the International and national Italian regulations defining the minimum requirements in terms of theoretical training. 

Currently, ClinOpsHub offers the following solutions:




Missione CRA 


Fully compliant with the minimum theoretical requirements of the Italian DM 15/11/2011 for Clinical Research Associates, the 50 hour course allows students to obtain the basics concepts of the clinical research world. Indeed, the course gives them "the key" to open the first doors to the world of clinical research. We've educated over 1300 students until today.







Clinical Research Academy


The Clinical Research Academy is a 30-hour annual training program created to allow clinical research professionals to fulfill the requirements of the Italian DM 15/11/2011.


In particular it offers continuous training and updates for those already working in the sector. During the live webinars, participants have the possibility to directly interact with speakers that have a solid theoretical and real-world work background in the clinical research world.







Phase 1 Academy 


It’s a training package which  responds to the needs of professionals working specifically in phase 1 clinical studies.

From emergency management, methodology of phase 1 clinical trials to Quality Assurance and Quality Control, the program offers the possibility to be constantly trained and updated on current international and national regulations.







Clinical Trial Quality Team training program


It’s a training package which  responds to the needs of professionals working specifically in non profit phase 1 clinical studies, in order to be in compliant with italian Determina AIFA n.809/2015 and AIFA Documents april 2008 CTQT (minimum requirements to participate in “project AIFA for quality in non-profit clinical studies”.



Missione QA


The “Missione QA” is an annual training course for medical and non-medical professionals in clinical trials. The course allows the participant to acquire the necessary 15 training days referred to in art. 3 of the Italian CRO decree.

The “Missione QA” consists of:

  • Video courses on the e-learning training platform

  • Missione CRA

  • days of on-site/remote theoretical training

In addition, you can choose to register in either:

  • The Phase 1 Academy

  • The Clinical Research Academy

We can propose a tailored course based on your theoretical background and the attended training. 

Once completed, a final certificate will be issued!



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